6 Art Of Persuasion Techniques To Be An Influential Leader

Mayuri Content Writer
3 min readJul 30, 2021

One of the most important elements for developing strong organizational cultures is Effective Leadership. A Leader, regardless of title, can be anybody who has influence or power, and Leaders set the tone for organizational culture.

Leadership is more than simply a title. In the words of Author John C Maxwell, “Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.”

Understanding and leveraging your influence is a talent you must learn regardless of your status if you want to lead people and generate change. True leaders do not compel people to follow them; instead, they use the art of persuasion to encourage others.

According to Harvard Business Review, influence is the capacity to impact someone’s character, growth, or conduct. It is critical to generating change and achieving corporate objectives. And, as with leadership styles, there are several forms of influence that both leaders and individual contributors may cultivate.

Transformational Influence vs. Transactional Influence

Before you begin to Influence others, you must first determine what style of Influential Leader is most suited to you. Influence is classified into two types: transactional and transformative.

  • Transactional influence is concerned with short-term solutions. A boss using transactional power may define the precise actions an employee needs to follow to attain a certain goal. It’s a more traditional (and, some may argue, outmoded) top-down leadership style.
  • Empathy is the foundation of transformational impact. Transformational leaders “serve as role models and motivators, providing followers with vision, excitement, encouragement, morale boost, and satisfaction.”

According to research, transformational influence is more crucial to master in the modern workplace than transactional influence. And it’s simple to see why individuals who want to lead would gravitate toward it. Empathy for your employees will position you and your organization for long-term success.

Persuasion Techniques to Create that Influence on others

Here are a few persuasion techniques to help you build transformative impact today and in the future. How you as a leader can build influence in the workplace.

Technique 1: Develop relationships

Spend time getting to know all of your stakeholders and team members. Influential leaders build trust and credibility with their workers via relationships rather than order-taking.

Technique 2: Listen

Empathy is the foundation of effective influence, and active listening is essential. When listening to co-workers, keep your prejudices at bay, be consistent in your communication, and act on what you hear from them.

Technique 3: Demonstrate commitment

If you are not dedicated to your team, how can people trust and believe in you? Find methods to demonstrate your dedication to the group and the individuals, rather than just the duties they accomplish for you. Share your vision of success, explain why their responsibilities are critical, and create chances for advancement along the route.

Technique 4: Appreciate your team members

The simple act of thanking your team members — whether through a few words of praise at the end of the week or acknowledging their participation in a project — makes a significant impact on their drive.

Technique 5: Allow yourself to be influenced

Influence must be mutual. Allow others to help develop and enhance your ideas. Being receptive to influence helps others trust you and increases your future influence capital.

Technique 6: Display emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a prerequisite for influence, and social awareness is essential for emotional intelligence. Pay attention to nonverbal communication and search for problem-solving strategies that reduce tensions when conflict develops.

Even if you are not already in a leadership position, understanding how to have a transformative impact is essential at any point in your career. Influence boosts team morale, motivates employees to reach and exceed goals, and fosters a motivated workforce.

It is not enough to be the brightest, loudest, or most Machiavellian person in the room to wield genuine power. Being able to influence people necessitates being aware of their needs. It won’t happen immediately — you need to lay the groundwork and improve in the relationships that matter. Are you ready to start building?

In the words of poet, author and activist Maya Angelou, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

